Is recovery after breast reduction painful?
IS RECOVERY AFTER BREAST REDUCTION PAINFUL? Pain is a very personal thing, what’s slightly uncomfortable for one individual, hurts for another. Following breast reduction surgery, the majority of patients will experience mild to moderate pain. Sensation typically felt...
SPF is your best friend
SPF IS YOUR BEST FRIEND Clinical signs of aging are mostly influenced by external factors, specifically sun exposure and photoaging causes 90% of visible skin changes. We all age and there is nothing we can do to physically slow down the clock. The most effective...
Benefits of Lymphatic Massage after Plastic Surgery
BENEFITS OF LYMPHATIC MASSAGE AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY Following a plastic surgery procedure such as a body lift, tummy tuck, or liposuction, the primary focus becomes swift recovery without any ensuing complications. While adequate rest and sleep are integral to your...
Best food for plastic surgery recovery
BEST FOOD FOR PLASTIC SURGERY RECOVERY The road to recovery after plastic surgery is often long. What you eat ahead of the procedure and what you consume immediately following the surgery can play a role in how well your body heals and recovers. The body requires more...
Medications to avoid before and after plastic surgery
MEDICATIONS TO AVOID BEFORE AND AFTER PLASTIC SURGERY Medications to avoid before and after plastic surgery I usually like my patients to stop all herbal medicines ( such as dan shen, feverfew, garlic tablets, ginger tablets, ginkgo, ginseng, and quilinggao and fish...
Let’s talk about “Post-Surgery Blues”
LET’S TALK ABOUT “POST-SURGERY BLUES” It is completely normal to encounter a range of emotions after undergoing plastic surgery, including feelings of sadness or what some might term ‘post-surgery blues’. Many people find that their emotional response to surgery...